Projects and Awards
Physics I Roller Coaster
Worked in a team of four
Built marble sized roller coaster powered solely by gravity
Presented project to class
Won best roller coaster project of the year
Interior Design Recycle Project
Selected a piece from recycle center (broken window)
painted the frame to add color and prevent splinters
Painted chalkboard paint on the glass pane
added chicken wire to the broken frame
Using chalkboard markers create a design or quote
Clipped photos to the chicken wire to display photos
Outstanding member for Student Council, Cheerleaders, Campus Ministry, and FNHS
Presidential Bronze Award for Completing over 100 Hour of Community Service (2015 & 2016)
Ronald Regan Leadership Award (2017)
Faith and Leadership Award (2019)
Academic Excellence in Multimedia (2019)
Prom Court: Most Spirited (2019)
Cum Lade Latin Honors