Student Government

Louisiana Association of Student Councils 2016-2019

  • attended week long state wide leadership work shop (2016-2018)

  • attended annual convention (2017-2019)

  • attended district(GNO) leadership workshop (2017)

  • worked as a small group leader for district workshop (2018-2019)

    • created service project that collected and bagged hygiene products to hand out to homeless people in the city

    • helped plan activities and work sessions for the small groups

    • out on skits to to teach different leadership lessons

    • created decoration and gifts to help the small group feel like a family

Bulletin Board Committee Head 2016-2018

  • created an online order form for pre-cut paper letters

  • created a schedule for committee members to cut letter orders

  • planned and organized school wide bulletin board day where all classroom and club bulletin boards are set up

  • created a system and rubric to judge over 70 bulletin board during different seasons

  • talked to students who’s bulletin board was not up to school standard

Member-At-Large 2015-2019

  • sold name tags and balloons during lunch period

  • blew up balloons for students birthdays and major school events

  • created balloon arches and other decorations for school events like open house and dances

  • attended and lead work weeks during summer and winter break

  • helped plan and run events with other schools in the city

  • facilitate new student orientation

  • earned outstanding member three times

Student Leader Retreat 2015-2018

  • attended as a participant (2015)

  • attended as a small group leader (2016-2018)

    • planned and lead team building activities hat focused on leadership

    • planned and performed in a skit to show good leadership qualities

    • helped create and set up decorations

    • took photos for yearbook and social media’s

Public Relation Committee 2018-2019

  • Created and performed in commercials for upcoming school events

Gym day Cheerleader 2018-2019

  • Helped make 12 “Hunny Pot” costumes out of chicken wire and paper mache

  • helped create and teach cheers for a school spirit day

Catholic Leadership Institute 2017

  • Attended week long leadership workshop

  • learned how to plan school events from dances to retreats

Board Member 2014-2015

  • created and taught cheers and songs for school spirit day

  • created costumes for over 200 girls out of paper and table runner

  • planned and facilitated various events for 8th grade class


Projects and Awards

